Emotional Eating Support Formula

Essence Alchemy


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Do your emotions send into a frenzy of emotional eating? When you are upset, depressed or sad do you reach for food? Are you challenged by issues of emotional eating? Would you like some support in regaining the upper hand on your emotions, life, and diet? If you have answered yes to even one of these questions you can benefit from the flower essences in the Emotional Eating Support Kit.

What is in the formula?

  • Cherry Plum – to act rationally
  • Chestnut Bud – to gain knowledge from experience
  • Crab Apple – for self-acceptance
  • Pine – to release shame and guilt
  • Walnut – for breaking from past habits

Standard formula only includes the flower essences Cherry Plum, Chestnut Bud, and Crab Apple. But, for extra support, I include Pine and Walnut in the Bach Emotional Eating Support kit. These two extra essences provide strong support for changing attitudes and habits.

About the Bach Essences in the Emotional Eating Support Formula

•Cherry plum flower essence supports you to feel in control for those moments when you feel out of control. Often emotional eaters complain about the inability to stop their actions as if they were out of control. Cherry Plum flower essence helps you to feel calm and in control. This will help you to act rationally.

•Chestnut Bud flower essence helps you to learn from past behavior. This prevents you from making the same mistakes over again. This flower essence is for self-knowledge and learning to apply that self-knowledge.

•Crab Apple flower essence will help you accept yourself. It will help you overcome issues of unworthiness, self-dislike and feelings of being unclean.

The two additional support essences I have included in the Bach flower essence emotional eating support kit are:

•Pine adds additional support on a deeper level when there is guilt involved. Often with emotional eating, there is a large component of guilt.

•Walnut is the flower essence for ‘breaking the spell of the past’ it is an important essence to use whenever you are making changes.

This formula will help you overcome uncontrollable urges and support your process of change as you re-orient your relationship to food.

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