Change and Upheaval Part I

February 15, 2025

Change and Upheaval Part I

Change is part of being human. Change is something we say we want and part of us wants things to stay the same. The change we want for ourselves is usually more of a metamorphosis. A gradual process from one form to another an ecological change. We want changes that leads to more stability. It seems in today's world we getting less ecological change, less digestible changes.

My Personal Experience

If you asked me a few months ago, say on September 26th 2024 if I wanted change, I would've said yes, I want some things to change. But, instead on September 27th I got upheaval! That day the land beneath me and my home shifted. That shift, that upheaval changed and destroyed what I thought was stable. When the walls of your home collapse around you . . . that is change with a strong dose of trauma. We want to support change minus the trauma. 

As a flower essence therapist I turned to flower essences to help me cope with the trauma of upheaval. Even 5 months on I am still uncovering aspects of trauma related to the disaster. Below are 3 essences from the Opening and Awareness kit which help me work with and through the trauma in my body. 

3 Flower Essences for Times of Upheaval

Dawn Redwood: This essence supports change by softening resistance.It supports the process of allowing this makes change easier. It is like a tonic when the system is overwhelmed by spiritual energy or stress. Supports awareness of the physical body as a place of refuge. This essence helped and helps me ground deeply as I continue to navigate life. It has a very stabilizing quality. 

Dogwood: This essence is for grace and grounding. It gently awakens the base chakra helping us find our roots. This allows a greater sense of peace to develop. It is a lovely essence for those who feel cut off from the divine. With Dogwood we can draw light down through the crown enveloping the energy body, this supports deeper feelings of connection. Affirmation for Dogwood: "I embrace my body." There are times when I notice my body tenses up from the physical aspects of the trauma, I feel I lose my suppleness. Dogwood flower essence has been wonderful for helping me relax and feel safe. 

Yucca: This essence is for alignment and persistence, it helps one to conjure the will and spiritual forces needed to keep moving forward. It helps us to draw upon spiritual energy when we feel we are tapped out. There are time where navigating wholesale change has left me feeling worn down. Yucca flower essence infuses my energy system in a way which bolsters my will and my willingness. 

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