Upheaval Part II - World Crisis Support Spray

March 11, 2025

Upheaval Part II - World Crisis Support Spray

There is a spray formula in my repertory called World Crisis Support. It is kind of a bold name! Here is how it came about . . . in June 2020 Dr. Randall Robirds an esteemed friend, colleague, and chiropractic wizard asked me to create this formula. In June of 2020 protests against police violence and unrest about the impacts of the lock downs on personal freedom were causing a big stir. As a highly tuned energetic healer Dr. Robirds contacted me to see if we could create something to help people needing support. 

Honestly I thought this formula would have an expiration date. But, the upheaval across our world has not slowed down. Generally I don't feature sprays in my monthly blog posts but World Crisis Support is such a wonderful formula and it feels like 5 years on the elements of crisis are still in play. 

Components of the World Crisis Support Formula

The goal with creating this blend was to offer something to help restore a deep sense of peace, grace, grounding  and inner well being. This is one of the most loved formulas that I offer. It helped me after the storm, I lost my home and nearly my life in Hurricane Helene on 9.27.24.  Being uprooted and nearly losing your life is very disorienting. 

The components were selected using a variety of techniques. Then confirmation of the blends efficacy was completed with applied kinesiology and clinical application. This process took some time but the end result is a worthy formula. 

World Crisis Support formula contains the following flower essences, gem elixirs and 1 environmental essence. 

 Atamasco lily flower essence helps heal deep wounds and feels of being fracture Cherry flower essence supports brightness of spirit in times of despair  Danburite this gem elixir supports you to access your inner light in times of difficulty Eclipse is an environmental essence that support calmness during change. Gold gem elixir is one of the most fortifying tonic elixir in my collection it offers a wide suite of benefits. Holly this flower essence support access to unconditional love and letting go of anger, resentment, and hardened feelings.  Japanese knotweed this flower essence supports learning how to be with others and find points of connection, Jasmine flower essences offers upliftment from heaviness. Mimosa flower essence helps us let go of derogatory thoughts. Nuumite this em elixir is deeply grounding and fortifying it helps us to access elemental earth energy for support. Quartz gem elixir brings clarity to the mind supporting inner vision and right action. Red Penstemon flower essence helps us access deep resilience and inner strength to confront challenges. And Zinnia flower essence is a premier remedy for helping us access humor and lightness. 

The combined synergy of these vibrational essences creates a rich field of energetic support and protection to face difficulty. 

To Use: When feeling dis-regulated by world crisis and events simply spray your field 3-4 times and bath in the cloud of World Crisis Support. It is wise to take a few minutes to sit with and meditate to ground these energies into your field. You can use this in your home to support greater calm in times of chaos. For extra support you can add 1 tablespoon to a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes. 

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