Bach Flower Remedies for Inattention and Hyper Activity

March 21, 2021

Bach Flower Remedies for Inattention and Hyper Activity

Bach flower remedies for common attention and hyperactivity symptoms. This post will give some insight into ways in which flower essences address  modern day issues of focus and attention.

The symptoms related to ADD/ADHD can be addressed with Bach flower essenes. I have created two formulas which target the common symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity. The first blend addresses inattentiveness and the second blend addresses hyperactivity.

These formulas work. I have received numerous phone calls and emails from parents thanking me for making these blends available. To fully address the situation it is best to use the blends for 3 months. If you do this and take other supportive steps you will be giving your child a boost that can support their attention and behavior and their confidence. They are also good for adults.

The Most Common Manifestions

  • Inattentive
  • Hyperactive
  • Impulsive
  • Unmotivated
  • Spacey

These symptoms can be broken down into two categories Inattentive and Hyperactive. Now lets explore these two categories at a deeper level.


Inattentiveness in Children

  • Do not pay attention to details
  • Make careless mistakes
  • Have trouble staying focused, easily distracted
  • Appear not to listen when spoken to
  • Have difficulty remembering things and following instructions
  • Have trouble staying organized, planning ahead, and finishing projects
  • Gets bored with a task before it’s completed
  • Frequently loses or misplaces homework, books, toys, or other items


Some of the essences in this formula include:

Clematis: This remedy is for the dreamer; the child whose head always seems to be in the clouds. Clematis can help your child be present, focused and attentive to the task at hand. This remedy is good for children who drift off, whether from lack of interest or mental laziness.

Gentian: This remedy helps to bring confidence to children after a setback; gentian enhances perseverance, confidence and faith. School has become a competitive environment and the drive for perfection a near pathology. Thank goodness for the support of gentian. The fact of life is there are setbacks but they don't need to stop you in your tracks.

Hornbeam: This remedy is useful for the ‘Monday Morning’ feeling that kids may experience as they dread going to school. It is helpful for staving off procrastination, it helps one to organize better and gather inspiration. Good for those who tire out due to sitting too much.

Water Violet: This remedy is for the child who withdraws from others, feels isolated and not part of the group. Those needing this remedy seem anti-social and emotionally cold. This remedy helps one feel comfortable within groups and around others.

Wild Oat: This remedy is good for children who feel lost, confused because things do not seem clear cut for you as they do for others. This essence will help a child feel their uniqueness and apply their talents.


Hyperactive Children

  • Constantly fidgets and squirms
  • Often leaves his or her seat in situations where sitting quietly is expected
  • Moves around constantly, often runs or climbs inappropriately
  • Talks excessively
  • Has difficulty playing quietly or relaxing
  • Is always “on the go,” as if driven by a motor
  • May have a quick temper or a “short fuse”*

 Some of the essences in this formula include:

Chestnut bud: This remedy is useful for learning especially when the child makes the same mistakes but fails to learn from them. Chestnut bud is good for all types of learning disabilities. This premier Bach remedy for learning is also good for concentration and attention.

Heather: This remedy will help those who talk excessively when not appropriate. It is for children who misbehave in this way and use acting out as a way to get attention. It helps the child feel quite within themselves and learn emotional self reliance.

Scleranthus: This remedy is for balance, it encourages a balance between rest and activity. For the hyperactive child this with a quick fuse, for those who are fidgety and exhibit erratic behavior. This essence helps with concentration and focus.

Vine: This Bach remedy is for children who has difficulty obeying and following rules.

Wild Oat: This remedy is good for children who feel lost, confused because things do not seem clear cut for them as they do for others. This essence will help a child feel their uniqueness and apply their talents.

How to Use:

The formulas should be used 3-4 times a day.  You will begin to notice a shift in behavior within 1-2 weeks or possibly sooner. These remedies are entirely safe, there are NO contraindications or side effects.


 ª Rehab for Ritalin
 *These descriptions taken from a post on

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