December 04, 2020
Blueberry cactus flower essence is made from the cactus species Myrtillocactus geometrizans. This cactus produces small fruits that look and taste like blueberries. The flowers are white and have a light pleasant fragrance.
Blueberry cactus flower essence is one of my most popular flower essences. Because it has lightening, softening and calming qualities it can act as an antidote or buffer to daily life stressors.
This essence teaches us how to relax and unwind. Relaxation is a prelude to deeper levels of enjoyment this can help you become more receptive to life's beauty. Blueberry cactus helps you to soften tension and open your field of perception. It helps us make the transition from rushing and activity to rest and being. Blueberry cactus flower essence allows one greater access to the softer and gentler part of the self.
Blueberry cactus is my #1 recommended flower essence for sleep disorders and for those who can't relax. Reach for this essence at times when the speed of your thoughts needs slowing. Blueberry cactus flower essence slows the velocity of mind. This is what makes this essence a wonderful aid for sleep disturbances. The quieting nature of blueberry cactus supports sound sleep throughout the night. Try taking a few drops if you wake in the small hours of the night or have difficulty falling asleep again.
This remedy brings lightness, joy and more uprightness to our sense of well being. It enhances the vertical flow of energy and our ability to slow down and take a more compassionate approach to the demands of life. Often those who use blueberry cactus flower essence notice a joyful sense of presence develops. Along with a gentle knowing and trusting in our ability to handle stress thus leading to greater sense of vitality.
"The Essence Alchemy Blueberry Cactus has been a gentle support for me to re-set my sleep rhythm, which got disrupted for a few months. I am very grateful to be resting more deeply." Sarah L. - Los Angeles, CA
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March 11, 2025
This is one of the most loved formulas that I offer. It helped me after the storm. Being uprooted and nearly losing your life is very disorienting. The synergy created by these vibrational essences creates a rich field of energetic support and protection to face difficulty.
February 15, 2025
As a flower essence therapist I turned to flower essences to help me cope with the trauma of upheaval. Even 5 months on I am still uncovering aspects of trauma related to the disaster. Below are 3 essences from the Opening and Awareness kit which help me work with and through the trauma in my body.