Mt. Shasta Flower Essences

September 04, 2020

Mt. Shasta Flower Essences

I am pleased and delighted to bring you this collection of Mount Shasta flower essences. Mount Shasta is an internationally recognized spiritual vortex similar to Sedona but not commercialized and still very wild. I had the absolute pleasure and unique opportunity to spend 3 weeks there in August 2011 where I camped next to an alpine lake. The days were sunny and warm and the nights were clear and cold. During my time there I inevitably co-created a new set of flower essences.

When I arrived to Mt. Shasta my original intention was to spend time hiking, camping, and communing with nature. But, slowly and surely one by one flowers kept calling me. One afternoon I received clear guidance why I was called there  to co-create flower essences. I was sitting on a rock in the meadow feeling peaceful, expanded and happy. The place exudes freshness, elemental purity, and well being. Then my mind flashed to a busy scene of a NYC sidewalk. It hit me at that moment not everyone can come to the meadow but the meadow can reach everyone through the essences.

Working with flower essences is fun, making flower essences is fun, offering personal consultations and helping people grow is rewarding. I was hesitant to create new flower essences at Mt. Shasta flower. This is because researching flower essences takes time. And, at the time I was already researching the kit from France I had created the year before. And, the Trauma Kit was still being researched.

These essences gave me very clear guidance to direct my research right out of the gate. Then, slowly but surely a clinical picture for each essence was born. I am more than pleased to bring these essences to you. The kit contains 16 individual essences. They can be purchased individually or as a set. To order these essence visit the Mt. Shasta Kit page here.

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