December 03, 2024
This is our latest flower and gem essence collection. The essences listed below are available order as single essence or you can order the full kit. Please email me to purchase anything from this kit.
Bamboo Orchid: This flower essence provides a stabilizing energy. It supports us during times of emotional dis-regulation and stress. Bamboo orchid helps us access greater equanimity and the feeling of "Gentle Okayness". Affirmation for Bamboo Orchid: "I am OK'
Burgundy Sunflower: This essences helps us find a new perspective. It can be useful for shifting old ideas and energy in the 3rd chakra. It brings light to old areas to bring new awareness. Particularly good for those who don't allow themselves to feel good due to guilt.
Cerato: This essence opens us to the wisdom of our higher self. It helps us build confidence and trust our own authority. This essence helps a person gain greater access to the wisdom body and our inner wisdom.
Cryolite: An elixir for clarity, the main influence is on the upper quadrant the the throat, neck and head. It supports helps us identify what is in alignment with our personal spiritual growth and Divine Will.
Dawn Redwood: This essence supports change by softening resistance.It supports the process of allowing which makes change easier. It is like a tonic when the system is overwhelmed by spiritual energy or stress. Supports awareness of the physical body as a place of refuge.
Dogwood: This essence is for grace and grounding. It gently awakens the base chakra helping us find our roots. This allows a greater sense of peace to develop. It is a lovely essence for those who feel cut off from the divine. With Dogwood we can draw light down through the crown enveloping the energy body, this supports deeper feelings of connection. Affirmation for Dogwood: "I embrace my body."
Forget Me Not: Supports connection with spiritual guides, ancestors and allies. This essence supports the pituitary and higher brain function. It helps bring solace by helping us remember we are supported by and connected with a vast network of spiritual support. Affirmation for Forget Me Not "I remember my connections to my guides and the spiritual world."
Jasmine: Helps ease heaviness in the system. One way it does this is through strengthening of the 6th and 7th chakras. This helps draw the first three chakras up and thus provide for a spiritual upliftment. This essence has an affinity with the nose, sinuses and sense of smell.
Lady's Slipper: This essence helps us realize the beauty of our earthly nature. It grounds and balance the root and crown chakra. Use this essence for depletion of the nervous system, exhaustion and disconnection from our life purpose.
Night Scented Stock: Good for heaviness and somberness, helps remind people of the vastness of life. This essence restores a connection to the mystical and magical realms for when we feel dulled by the duties of life. reconnecting to feelings of possibility. Affirmation for Night Scented Stock
"I allow levity to guide me."
Passionflower: This essence expands the spiritual body increasing energy to the crown and heart chakra. This is an excellent remedy for those who want to cultivate more compassion for self and other. It carries the energy of "Christ Consciousness."
Rutilated Quartz: This elixir will help assimilate the life force into the body. The elixir is good if you want to stimulate inactive or unused parts of the brain. This may stimulate the electrical properties of the body. Depression is eased, and inspiration to experience the highest spiritual
teachings develop.
Tuberose: stimulates the crown chakra, and aligns the nadis to distribute energy to the chakra. Aids opening the sinuses. It is good for the depleted energy body. Tuberose restores a fullness to the energy system allowing for greater enjoyment. Affirmation for Tuberose "I delight in the moment."
Tugtupite: A generous heart opening remedy which provides for a stabilization around the heart chakra. It can help one find the center of gravity and move from that place. Affirmation for Tugtupite "I find my center, my center is my heart."
White Lotus: Lotus is one of the most balancing essences available. It provides for a strong yet gentle alignment and balance of the chakra system. It is good to use when we either inflate or deflate our self. Consistent long term application can help the body "knock out" chronic infections. It does this by providing a consistent healthy signal at the cell level.
Yucca: This essence is for alignment and persistence, it helps one to conjure the will and spiritual forces needed to keep moving forward. It helps us to draw upon spiritual energy when we feel we are tapped out.
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February 15, 2025
As a flower essence therapist I turned to flower essences to help me cope with the trauma of upheaval. Even 5 months on I am still uncovering aspects of trauma related to the disaster. Below are 3 essences from the Opening and Awareness kit which help me work with and through the trauma in my body.