Yerba Santa Flower Essence

December 24, 2020

Yerba Santa Flower Essence

The fragrance of Yerba Santa leaves fill the air of the canyons and hillsides of Southern Californian and Baja Mexico. This common native plant grows in large clusters. It was revered by the native people of the region and by the early Spanish colonists. Early colonists named it Yerba Santa which translates to "holy herb".

This "holy herb" was used for colds and respiratory complaints especially when  mucous in the chest was present. The oils of the leaves were found to clear and  dislodge phlegm. And, Yerba Santa is still found in a variety of herbal mixture for the respiratory system and congestion.

Boraginaceae Family

Yerba Santa is in the Boraginaceae plant family and along with Yerba Santa there are many popular herbs from this family. In the Essence Alchemy catalogue of flower essences representatives from this family include:

  • Desert Canterbury Bells
  • Borage
  • Viper's Bugloss
  • Comfrey
  • And, of course Yerba Santa

The dominant color spectrum of these flowers are "cooler" colors blue, purple, mauve, and pale lavender. These colors are part of the action of the essences. Here we find colors which carry lighter more ethereal spiritual/emotional qualities.  These essences have an 'uplifting' or rejuvenative action on the system. They  help with depletion, boredom, lack of drive, and emotional heaviness.

Yerba Santa Flower Essence

Similar to it's herbal indications yerba santa flower essence works in the area of the chest. In terms of energy this is where grief lodges. In grief one can often experience a feeling of heaviness and deep-pressed weightiness across the chest. At times there can often be a feeling of stickiness, congestion, or a feeling of caving in around this area of the body.

Yerba santa flower essence is one of the most useful flower essences to use when working with grief and loss. Grief can feel immobile and the lingering pain is a  reminder of our loss. All of this can drain our energy and make the tasks of daily life seem impossible.


Yerba Santa flower essence helps with feelings of melancholy, grief, and emotional pain. I have seen this flower essence restore people's ability to be with the grieving process but not drown in heaviness. It is as if the trumpet like flowers invite expansion into the heart and breath. This expansion in the chest helps to loosen and dislodge compressed energy and be able to process heavier emotions. Yerba Santa flower essence helps us find the balance between feeling difficult feelings, being with pain and not feeling crushed by it.

This is a wonderful flower essence to use in times in darkness and grief, feelings which are common around the holiday season. And, feelings which be intense due to the pandemic and resulting isolation and loss. Yerba Santa flower essence pairs well with Borage and Viper's Bugloss flower essences. Please do consider the benefits of this essence and other supportive flower essences to assist you during times of grief and emotional pain.

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